Duke User Guide


Duke application is an offline task management tool that organizes the task list and saves the task data in the local computer’s storage.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer.

  2. Download the latest release duke.jar from the GitHub repo.

  3. Open the finder/file explorer and navigate to the directory where duke.jar is stored.

  4. Double-click duke.jar to start the application and the GUI below will appear.
  5. Type the command in the input box and press Enter or click the Send button to execute it.

  6. Refer to Features section to learn all the commands.


Notes about the command format:

1. Add a Deadline task

Add a Deadline task and save it to the ./data/tasks.txt file.


deadline TASK_NAME /by DATE - add a Deadline task

Enter the command to add a Deadline task and save it to the ./data/tasks.txt file. The DATE must follow yyyy-mm-dd format.

Example of usage:

deadline CS2103T iP /by 2020-09-18

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
    [D][✗][MEDIUM] CS2103T iP (by: Sep 18 2020)
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

2. Add an Event task

Add an Event task and save it to the ./data/tasks.txt file.


event TASK_NAME /at TIME - add an Event task

Enter the command to add an Event task and save it to the ./data/tasks.txt file.

Example of usage:

event CS2103T iP /at Sep 18, 2359

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
    [E][✗][MEDIUM] CS2103T iP (at Sep 18, 2359)
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

3. Add a Todo task

Add a Todo task and save it to the ./data/tasks.txt file.


todo TASK_NAME - add a Todo task

Enter the command to add a Todo task and save it to the ./data/tasks.txt file.

Example of usage:

todo CS2103T iP

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
    [T][✗][MEDIUM] CS2103T iP
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

4. Delete a Task

Delete a Task and update ./data/tasks.txt file.


delete TASK_NUMBER - delete a Task

Enter the command to delete a Task and update ./data/tasks.txt file.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

  1. If there is task associated with the number 1:
Noted. I have removed this task:
    [T][✗][MEDIUM] CS2103T iP
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.
  1. If there is no task associated with the number 1:
The task number is not found

5. Exit Duke application

Exit Duke application.


bye - exit application

Enter the command to exit and close Duke application.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Bye. See you again soon!

The application will be closed.

6. Find Task

Find the tasks based on the query keyword.


find KEYWORD - find the tasks

Enter the command to search for the tasks and display the found tasks.

Example of usage:

find CS2103T

Expected outcome:

  1. If there is task associated with the keyword CS2103T:
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
    1.[T][✗][MEDIUM] CS2103T iP
  1. If there is no task associated with the keyword CS2103T:
No task found...

7. List Task

List all the saved tasks from ./data/tasks.txt file.


list - list all the saved tasks

Enter the command to display all the tasks.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

  1. If there is task:
Here are the tasks in your list:
    1.[T][✗][MEDIUM] CS2103T iP
  1. If there is no task:
No task added yet...

8. Mark a Task as done

Mark a Task as done and update ./data/tasks.txt file.


done TASK_NUMBER - mark the Task as done

Enter the command to mark the Task as done and update ./data/tasks.txt file.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

  1. If there is task associated with the number 1:
Nice! I have marked this task as done:
    [T][✓][MEDIUM] CS2103T iP
  1. If there is no task associated with the number 1:
The task number is not found

9. Prioritise a Task

Mark a Task priority and update ./data/tasks.txt file.


priority TASK_NUMBER PRIORITY_LEVEL - mark the Task priority

Enter the command to mark the Task priority and update ./data/tasks.txt file. Priority level:

Example of usage:

priority 1 3

Expected outcome:

  1. If there is task associated with the number 1:
Nice! I have updated the task priority: HIGH
    [T][✓][HIGH] CS2103T iP
  1. If there is no task associated with the number 1:
The task number is not found

Command Summary

Action Format, Example
Bye bye
Deadline deadline TASK_NAME /by DATE
e.g. deadline CS2103T iP /by 2020-09-18
Delete delete TASK_NUMBER
e.g. delete 1
e.g. done 1
Event event TASK_NAME /at TIME
e.g. event CS2103T iP /at Sep 19, 2359
Find find KEYWORD
e.g. find CS2103T
List list
e.g. priority 1 3
e.g. todo 1